IFP52-1C RS-232 Protocols

    From ViewSonic User Guide Database


    This document describes the hardware interface spec and software protocols of RS-232 interface communication between ViewSonic LFD and PC or other control units with RS-232 protocol.

    The protocol contains three command sections:

    • Set-Function
    • Get-Function
    • Remote control pass-through mode
    Note: Below, “PC” represents all the control units that can send or receive the RS-232 protocol command.


    RS-232 Hardware Specification

    ViewSonic LFD communication port on the rear side:

    1. Connector type: DSUB 9-Pin Male (female or 3.5 mm barrel connector)
    2. Use of crossover (null modem) cable for connection
    3. Pin Assignment:
    Pin # Signal Remark
    Male DSUB 9-Pin (preferred) 1 NC
    Male DSUB.png
    2 RXD Input to Display
    3 TXD Output to Display
    4 NC
    5 GND
    Female DSUB 9-Pin 6 NC
    Female DSUB.png
    7 NC
    8 NC
    9 NC
    frame GND
    Item Signal Remark
    3.5 mm barrel connector
    (alternative for limited space)
    Tip TXD Output from Display
    IFP52 Barrel Connector.jpg
    Ring RXD Input to Display
    Sleeve GND

    LAN Hardware Specification

    ViewSonic LFD communication port on the rear side:

    1. Connector type: 8P8C RJ45
    2. Pin assignment:
    Pin # Signal Remark
    LAN Spec.png
    1 TX+ Output from Display
    2 TX- Output from Display
    3 RX+ Input to Display
    4 BI_D3+ For 1G case
    5 BI_D3- For 1G case
    6 RX- Input to Display
    7 BI_D4+ For 1G case
    8 BI_D4- For 1G case
    frame GND

    RS-232 Communication Setting

    • Baud Rate Select: 9600bps (fixed)
    • Data bits: 8 bits (fixed)
    • Parity: None (fixed)
    • Stop Bits: 1(fixed)

    LAN Communication Setting

    • Type: Ethernet
    • Protocol: TCP/IP
    • Port: 5000 (fixed)
    • WOL Port: 9 (fixed) for UDP
    • Cross subnet: No
    • Logon Credentials: No

    Command Message Reference
    PC sends to LFD command packet followed by “CR”. Every time PC sends control command to Display, the Display shall respond as follows:

    1. If the message is received correctly it will send “+” (02Bh) followed by “CR” (00Dh)
    2. If the message is received incorrectly it will send “-” (02Dh) followed by “CR” (00Dh)


    Set-Function Listing

    The PC can control the Display for specific actions. The Set-Function command allows you to control the Display behavior at a remote site through the RS-232 port. The Set-Function packet format consists of 9 bytes.

    Set-Function Description:

    Length Total Byte of Message excluding “CR”
    LFD ID Identification for each of Display (01~98; default is 01)
    ID “99” means to apply the set command for all connected displays. Under such circumstances, only ID#1 display has to reply.
    The LFD ID can be set via the OSD menu for each Display.
    Command Type Identify command type,
    "s" (0x73h): Set Command
    "+" (0x2Bh): Valid Command Reply
    "-" (0x2Dh): Invalid Command Reply
    Command Function command code: One byte ASCII code.
    Value [1~3] Three bytes ASCII that defines the value.
    CR 0x0D

    Set-Function Format Send: (Command Type="s")

    Name Length ID Command Type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
    Byte Count 1 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
    Bytes Order 1 2~3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Reply: (Command Type="+" or "-")

    Name Length ID Command Type CR
    Byte Count 1 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte
    Bytes Order 1 2~3 4 5
    NOTE: When PC applies command to all displays (ID=99), only the #1 set needs to reply by the name of ID=1.

    Example 1: Set Brightness as 76 for Display (#02) and this; command is valid.

    Send (Hex Format)

    Name Length ID Command Type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
    Hex 0x38 0x30
    0x73 0x24 0x30 0x37 0x36 0x0D

    Reply (Hex Format)

    Name Length ID Command Type CR
    Hex 0x34 0x30
    0x2B 0x0D

    Example 2: Set Brightness as 75 for Display (#02) and this; command is NOT valid.

    Send (Hex Format)

    Name Length ID Command Type Command Value1 Value2 Value3 CR
    Hex 0x38 0x30
    0x73 0x24 0x30 0x37 0x35 0x0D

    Reply (Hex Format)

    Name Length ID Command Type CR
    Hex 0x34 0x30
    0x2D 0x0D

    Set-Function Table

    A. Basic Function

    Set Function Length ID Command Command Value Range Comments
    Type (ASCII) Code
    (Three ASCII bytes)
    Power On/Off
    8 s ! 21 000: STBY
    001: ON
    1. The Power-on via LAN control may works only under specific mode. To see display UG for details. *3.1.1
    2. “WOL by MAC address” may available as alternative.*3.2.1
    Input Select 8 s " 22 004: HDMI 1
    014: HDMI 2
    024: HDMI
    006: VGA
    007: Slot-in PC (OPS)
    009: DP
    019: Type-C
    00A: Embedded/Main (Android)
    1. No need for USB
    2. For the case of two more same sources, the 2nd digital is used to indicate the extension.
    3. The HEX of 00A is 30 30 41.
    Brightness 8 s $ 24 000 ~ 100
    900: Bright down (-1)
    901: Bright up (+1)
    Backlight*3.2.0 8 A B 42 000~100 1. For Android platform whose main mode is controlled by backlight and the other sources are controlled by brightness.
    2. Derived from Color calibration.
    Power Lock 8 s 4 34 000: Unlock
    001: Lock
    *See note in details
    Volume 8 s 5 35 000 ~ 100
    900: Volume down(-1)
    901:Volume up(+1)
    Mute 8 s 6 36 000: OFF
    001: ON (mute)
    Button Lock 8; s 8 38 000: Unlock
    0001: Lock
    *See note in details
    Menu Lock 8 s > 3E 000: Unlock
    001: Lock
    *See note in details
    Number *3.1.1 8 s @ 40 000~009
    Key Pad *3.1.1 8 s A 41 000: UP
    001: DOWN
    002: LEFT
    003: RIGHT
    004: ENTER
    005: INPUT
    006: MENU/(EXIT)
    007: EXIT
    Remote Control 8 s B 42 000: Disable
    001: Enable
    002: Pass through
    Disable: RCU will be no function
    Enabled: RCU controls normally
    Pass through: Display will bypass the RC code to connected device via the RS-232 port, but not react itself.
    Restore Default 8 s ~ 7E 000 Recover to factory setting

    B. Optional Function

    Set Function Length ID Command Command Value Range Comments
    Type (ASCII) Code
    (Three ASCII bytes)
    Contrast 8 s # 23 000~100
    Sharpness 8 s % 25 000~100
    Color 8 s & 26 000~100
    Tint 8 s ' 27 000~100
    Backlight On_Off 8 s ( 29 000: Off
    001: On
    Color Mode 8 s ) 29 000: Normal
    001: Warm
    002: Cold
    003: Personal
    Freeze On_Off 8 s . 2A 000: Off
    001: On
    Bass 8 s . 2E 000~100
    Treble 8 s / 2F 000~100
    Balance 8 s 0 30 000~100 050 is central
    Picture Size 8 s 1 31 000: FULL (16:9)
    001: NORMAL (4:3)
    002: REAL (1:1)
    OSD language 8 s 2 32 000: English
    001: French
    002: Spanish
    Could be extended for more supported languages by model
    Date: Year 8 s V 56 Y17~Y99 Last 2 digits
    Date: Month 8 s V 56 M01~M12 2 digits
    Date: Day 8 s V 56 D01~D31 2 digits
    Time: Hour 8 s W 57 H00~H23 24-hr format. 2 digits.
    Time: Min 8 s W 57 M00~M59 2 digits
    Time: Sec 8 s W 57 S00~S59 2 digits
    Customized Hot Keys 8 s X 58 001~999
    001: Open MVBA app