CDE5512 General Settings

    From ViewSonic User Guide Database

    General Settings

    Configure basic Network, Device, and System settings.

    CDE12 General Settings.png


    Configure Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Wireless Hotspot, and Bluetooth settings.


    • Enable/Disable Ethernet.
    CDE12 General Settings Ethernet 1.png
    NOTE: After Ethernet is Enabled, the Connection Type and MAC Address will be available.
    • Adjust the Connection Type.
    CDE12 General Settings Ethernet 2.png
    Connection Type Description
    DHCP Cannot modify IP Address, Netmask, DNS Address and Gateway.
    Static IP Can input IP Address, Netmask, DNS Address and Gateway.


    • Enable/Disable Wi-Fi.
    • Add a Wi-Fi network or choose from the available listed.
    CDE12 General Settings Wi-Fi.png
    NOTE: After Wi-Fi is Enabled, available networks will be listed.

    Wireless Hotspot

    • Enable/Disable Wireless Hotspot.
    • Share an internet connection with your devices once enabled.
    CDE12 General Settings Wireless Hotspot.png


    • Enable/Disable Bluetooth.
    CDE12 General Settings Bluetooth.png


    Configure Signage Display, System Tools, Display, Apps, and Physical Keyboard settings.

    CDE12 General Settings Device.png

    Signage Display

    CDE12 General Settings Signage Display.png
    Item Description
    General Settings Signage Display Name
    Setup the display’s name. Maximum of 36 characters.
    CDE12 General Settings Signage Display Name.png

    Boot Logo

    • Enable/Disable the boot logo.
    • Select a custom boot logo or animation file.
    CDE12 General Settings Signage Display Boot Logo.png
    NOTE: Ensure “Boot on logo” in the Advanced settings of the OSD Menu is set to “User” to be able to select a custom boot logo or animation file.
    Source Setting Custom App
    Setup a custom .apk application for Custom input source. If a Custom App is setup, the display will open the App when the input source is changed to “Custom”.
    CDE12 General Settings Signage Display Custom App 1.png

    CDE12 General Settings Signage Display Custom App 2.png

    CDE12 General Settings Signage Display Custom App 3.png
    Security External Storage
    Enable/Disable USB storage.
    NOTE: Re-insert any connected USB external storage device(s) after enabling.

    Unknown Sources
    Allow or don’t allow the installation of unknown .apk files.

    System Tools

    CDE12 General Settings System Tools.png
    Item Description
    Clear Storage

    Clear all folder data.
    Internal Storage
    Only clear internal storage folder data.
    USB Storage
    Only clear USB storage folder data.


    Factory Reset
    Return to factory default settings.

    CDE12 General Settings System Tools Factory Reset.png
    Import & Export

    Export Signage Display Settings
    Export display settings to a USB.

    • The saved file name will be: vs8386SettingFile.txt
    • File will be saved in a folder titled “ViewSonic”. If one does not exist, it will be created.

    Import Signage Display Settings
    Import display settings from a USB.

    CDE12 General Settings System Tools Clone.png

    Create a copy of media files from the internal storage folder “AutoPlayFiles”.
    Choose the media files copy location (Internal Storage or USB).
    Select Internal Storage or USB as the target for the copied media files.


    CDE12 General Settings Display.png
    Item Description
    Font Size Adjust the display’s font size.
    Backlight Adjust the brightness of the display.
    Wallpaper Choose a background image for the display.


    • View any running or installed applications. Select them for more detailed information and options.
    • By selecting a running application, more information will be displayed, and the application can be stopped or reported.
    CDE12 General Settings Apps 1.png


    Date & Time

    Set the time zone and Auto Time settings.

    CDE12 General Settings Date and Time.png


    CDE12 General Settings About.png
    Item Description
    Online System Updates When the display is off, the system will automatically check for a new version. If a new version is found, the system will automatically update. After the update is complete, the system will turn off.
    Android Version Current Android version information.
    Kernel Version Kernel version information.
    Build Number Build number information.

    General Settings Menu Tree


    Sub-menu Menu Option
    Ethernet Enable/Disable
    Ethernet Configuration Connection Type
    MAC Address
    Wi-Fi Enable/Disable
    Add Wi-Fi
    Wireless Hotspot Enable/Disable
    Hotspot Configuration
    Bluetooth Enable/Disable
    Available Devices


    Sub-menu Menu Option
    Signage Display General Settings Signage Display Name
    Boot Logo
    Source Setting Custom App
    Credentials Settings Trusted Credentials
    User Credentials
    Install from Storage
    Clear Credentials
    Security External Storage
    Unknown Sources
    Privacy and Copyright Protection
    App Authority
    System Tools Clear Storage All
    Internal Storage
    USB Storage
    Reset Factory Reset
    Import & Export Export Signage Display Settings
    Import Signage Display Settings
    Clone Clone Media Files
    Display Font Size
    Physical Keyboard


    Sub-menu Menu Option
    System Date & Time Select Time Zone
    NTP Server
    About Online System Updates
    Legal Information
    Android Version
    Kernel Version
    Build Number