ViewSign Cloud On-Premise Advanced User Guide

    From ViewSonic User Guide Database
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    The Advanced User Guide contains some non-default features of eSignAnyWhere.

    Customization of eSignAnyWhere

    This advanced feature is for customizing the eSignAnyWhere Viewer for the signers. You can change the colors and logo to align them to your CI and set eSAW Viewer behavior. Therefore you have to upload a ZIP-Archive with the new design settings. You can download a design template and change it. Moreover you are able to set a redirect URL when a document is finished.

    You can find the the configuration for the customization of eSignAnyWhere in your organization settings in the section “Design of the document viewer for recipients”

    The next screenshot shows these configurations:

    If the feature is available for your organization, you can:

    • set a redirect URL for finished documents
    • upload a design
    • reset to default design
    • download a design template
    • download current design

    The file contains:

    • variables.xml: contains the style configuration of eSignAnyWhere. The comments in the file will help you to modify it.
    • global_variables.xml: contains settings for the eSAW Viewer
    • files/

    In the files you can find the following:

    • logo_topbar
    • logo_loading
    • Localizations.template.custom
    • Here you can customize localizations for a specific eSAW organization
    • You can create your own Localizations.*.custom.json files, modify the elements which should be customized and add the file to the customization package
    • custom.css
    • Here you can customize the layout for a specific eSAW organization
    • You can adapt the layout of the SAW Viewer
    • custom.js
    • Here you can customize the SAW Viewer by
    • Adding custom buttons
    • Listening for events
    • Adding individual JavaScript code for other purposes
    • Note: To enable this feature, the ViewerPreference LoadCustomJs must be enabled and the Custom.js file needs to be placed in #InstallationDirectory#/Web/Custom.

    If you have modified the files just put them in an archive and upload via UI. You can use svg instead of png, gif or jpg.

    Customization - Viewer Policy

    You can also set your default viewer policies. So you can in addition to the visual appearance also set the UI elements.

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    It may take some minutes until the new design is applied to your eSignAnyWhere Viewer.

    Email Templating

    The Email Templating allows you to adopt the email, sent by eSignAnyWhere. A default template and default notifications are present for every organization and can always be restored to default. For each language set in “Localization”, a separate template and notification can be set. This allows you to set up languages, which are not directly supported by eSignAnyWhere and send the notifications in the, by you translated, language to the recipient.

    Note: If a recipient has an eSignAnyWhere user account (on the same instance), the user will receive the mails in his/her prefered language. Sample: the recipient has a eSAW language set in German and you send her/him an envelope in Italian, he/she will receive the notification in German (his prefered language).

    There are three types of templates:

    • email master template “TEMPLATE”
    • reminder template for reminder notifications “ReminderText”, which is used a prefix for the subject of the mail (e.g. “Reminder: “)
    • email notifications, the text/wording/layout used for a certain type of notification and is placed within the master template

    The email master template is called “TEMPLATE” and defines the basic layout of the notifications for the given language. You can define, for example a header, logo, footer, etc. The {{Content}} element is a placeholder to be replaced by the email notification template (e.g. “Sign”) to place the notification information and text.

    You can select the following placeholders, but please note that not all placeholders are available in all notifications! The next section shows you all general available placeholders:

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    Please note, that not all placeholders are available for all notification types! Moreover, you can find detailed information about the templates in the following section in the product: Settings->Email Templates

    Simple Example

    Messages exist of the placeholders (see above) and basic HTML tags. Therefore a HTML knowledge for modifing the messages is useful (<br />, <p>...</p>, <strong>...</strong>, <h3>...</h3>).

    <h4>The envelope "#EnvelopeName#" has been signed by the following recipients:</h4>

    Restore Default Template

    If you click on restore the current selected template will be restored to the system’s default.

    Bulk Envelopes

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    This is an additional eSignAnyWhere feature and is available with version 3.1. Bulk envelopes allow you to send an envelope to multiple signers. The workflow splits with the bulk recipient, so that you will receive unique signed documents for each bulk recipient. This feature is perfect for letting one document (e. g. a new company policy) sign by many recipients. This feature is not available with basic subscription, so please contact your Namirial sales.

    1. Design the Workflow

    New buttons “Add Bulk” and “Bulk CSV Template” are available. You can add one bulk per envelope and you are defining the bulk recipients via CSV file. The “Bulk CSV Template” generates your desired bulk recipient configuration. So you are able to define Authentication or Information for Remote or Disposable Certificates in the CSV. Please note that you have a maximum of 1000 recipients per bulk.

    The Bulk Recipient in the Recipient List.

    You can see the uploaded recipient list and the number of recipients found in the uploaded CSV file.

    2. Designer

    In the designer the bulk recipients behave like a normal recipient. You can place and define its signature fields, form fields or predefined fields.

    3. Manage Bulk Envelopes

    The bulk envelopes are listed normal in the document overview with special bulk envelope features. The statistics are added (number of completed, rejected, … envelopes of the bulk). Moreover you still can control each unique workflow.

    Bulk Envelopes API

    Sending a bulk is basically creating multiple independent envelopes, which are linked together by an identifiert (bulk id). The API allows accessing the bulk and its envelopes. Please note that only one bulk per envelope is allowed.

    Sending a bulk via SendEnvelopes or CreateDraft is simple.

        <step> <!-- a bulk step is a step with multiple recipients -->
    Result of sending a Bulk is different of sending an envelope. You will receive a bulk identifier in addition.
    <apiResult version="">
          <bulk id="dc4cdaa9-c204-470f-986d-94786ff159f7">
             <envelopeId eMail="mail1@eflowauto.test">2daf11a0-6802-474b-bb48-df4b199b026a</envelopeId>
             <envelopeId eMail="mail2@eflowauto.test">18c7245f-2a78-45b8-9262-3ffe05a62fd1</envelopeId>
    The Callbacks got an additional bulk parameter to provide the bulk id:
    Finding Envelopes (v1) of Bulk: per default only bulk parent are returned. If you want to get the children of a bulk use the bulk parameter:
       <bulk>dc4cdaa9-c204-470f-986d-94786ff159f7</bulk> <!-- new filter parameter -->
    The FindEnvelopes_v2 will return in the Extended version also details about the bulk id.
    GetEnvelopesById also returns the bulk id. If you are calling with the bulk id, a list of all bulk recipients and its envelopes ids is returned.
    GetEnvelopesById with a Bulk ID:
    <apiResult version="">
                <bulkRecipient eMail="test1@eflowauto.test" id="e9b53acc-9378-4308-99be-0fca92465dac">
                <bulkRecipient eMail="test2@eflowauto.test" id="5701da00-2b8c-4e2a-8698-a66c43c3e4c7">
    GetEnvelopeId with an envelope id, which is part of a bulk:
    <apiResult version="">
             <bulk>5b69258c-2327-43ba-80ad-53b4b6a2f3eb</bulk> <!-- bulk id is set - see find result above -->
                <bulkRecipient eMail="" id="">

    Complete Bulk Configuration

    SAML Support

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    SAML is supported for signer authentication (similar to OAuth2) and for eSaw backend users.

    Examples of Use Cases

    • ADFS integration for eSAW backend users
    • Signer authentication with external SAML service

    How to Configure OAuth2 Authentication

    OAuth2 enables you to configure an external authentication method, such as LinkedIn or Facebook. In this section you find how to configure them.

    The signer will see an additional external authentication option. A pop-up appears, where the signer has to enter his credentials to authenticate. eSignAnyWhere will receive a temporary token to receive some authentication information, which will be stored in the audit log of the envelope. You can integrate any external OAuth 2.0 service. For example the open source project OAuthServer ( would enable you to connect your AD/LDAP via OAuth 2.0 and eSignAnyWhere, or you can implement your own OAuth 2.0 service.

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    The following two OAuth2 configuration examples (LinkedIn & Facebook) show you how to configure it. Because these two guides are external services the procedure may change by time. They should show you the basic two concepts to configure OAuth2. Please note, to force a specific user the response must be JSON!

    OAuth2 - LinkedIn

    Step 1: Create a new LinkedIn App

    Go to your LinkedIn Account and create a new LinkedIn App. You have to enter a name (e.g. “my-eSAW-Authenticator”, a description, URL and some additional information). Once you have created your LinkedIn App you have to finish the configuration.

    Step 2: Configure LinkedIn App

    In your LinkedIn App you will find your (secret) client-id and client-secret, and the available scopes (e.g. r_basicprofile r_emailaddress). It is important to separate the scopes with space ” “.

    You have to add a OAuth 2.0 forwarding URL. The URL for eSignAnyWhere is

    Step 3: Configure eSignAnyWhere

    Open the Settings > Organization page and add a new OAuth 2.0 provider. Enter the LinkedIn credentials as below (see LinkedIn documentation for current configuration!). The Identifier is your unique identifier for using with API. The ressources URIs are called for data, which will be stored in the audit-log.

    Client ID: your Linked Client ID
    Client Secret: your LinkedIn Client Secret
    Scope: r_basicprofile r_emailaddress
    Authorization URI:
    Token URI:
    Logout URI:
    Resource Parameter: oauth2_access_token
    Resource URI:,firstName,lastName,headline,email-address)?format=json

    Resources LinkedIn and OAuth2:

    OAuth 2.0 - Facebook

    Step 1: Create a new Facebook App

    Go to Facebook Developer, login and create a new Facebook App. You have to enter your App Name (e.g. “my-eSAW-Authenticator”), a contact email-address and a category.

    Step 2: Configure your Facebook App

    In your Facebook App dashboard and subpages you will find the API ID (similar to Client Token) and the App Secret (similar to Client Secret). You have to add a Facebook Login product to your app (OAuth2). In the settings page of your Facebook Login you can configure the OAuth Redirect URI (

    For the scope you will need to add permissions, which can be found here. For this example we are using the following permissions: public_profile email user_about_me. It is important to separate the scopes with space ” “.

    Step 3: Configure eSignAnyWhere

    Open the Settings > Organization page and add a new OAuth 2.0 provider. Enter the Facebook credentials as below (see Facebook documentation for current configuration!). The Identifier is your unique identifier for using with API. The resources URIs are called for data, which will be stored in the audit-log (see Facebook documentation).

    Client ID: your Facebook App ID
    Client Secret: your Facebook App Secret
    Scope: public_profile email user_about_me
    Authorization URI:
    Token URI:
    Logout URI:
    Resource Parameter: oauth_token
    Resource URI:,name,first_name,middle_name,last_name,email,birthday

    The configured Resource URI returns a JSON object with the specified parameter. These parameters can be defined in the fields to force a specific LinkedIn user to authenticate (e.g. email address). HINT: to see what data is returned in the Resource URI send yourself an envelope and have a look in the audit trail. It contains the returned object with its parameter. Note: Parameter in Resource URI of LinkedIn is not the same in the result (email vs. emailAddress).

    The Resource URI will return data of the profile. With the “Graph API Explorer” you can build and test your own profile requests. With the optional configuration of “Fields” you can define fields, which are checked for authentication. So you can force a specific user (e.g. identified via email, id or birthdate) to authenticate. Other users are not accepted.

      "id": "5761459xxxxxx",
      "name": "Firstname Lastname",
      "first_name": "Firstname",
      "last_name": "Lastname",
      "email": "",
      "birthday": "01/01/2000"


    Facebook Developer:
    Facebook API:

    Force a Specific User to Authentication

    You can force a specific user to authentication via checks in the authenticator (based e.g. on userid or email). Via API you configure the authentication with a “check”.

        <!-- CustomAuthenticationProvider will be mapped to GenericOAuthProvider -->
          <check compareOperation="equals" fieldId="userprofile" value="a232656-6656-5665"></check>
          <check compareOperation="equals" fieldId="useremail" value=""></check>
              <check compareOperation="equals" fieldId="userprofile" value="a232336-6656-5665"></check>

    Advanced Document Tags

    Here you can download a PDF which contains two recipient tags and some additional tags like a Checkbox and a Textfield.

    Start and Endmarker in the Document [[tags]]

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    If you are using the Advanced Tags via API you have to call PrepareSendEnvelopeSteps_v1 to use them.
    ! required (optional)
    * read only (optional)
    fieldname String (required)
    :signer1 Assigned to signer; “signer” or “signer1”, “signer2”, … (required)
    :objecttype Type, e.g. signature, combobox, … (mandatory)
    :property additional parameters (allow using of some short notation (e.g. l,r,c instead left, right, center, …))

    Signature Fields

    [[!sigField1:signer1:signature(sigType="Click2Sign,Draw2Sign",batch=1):label("some label"):size(width=150,height=60)]]

    sigType, batch, label, size are optional.

    Supported signature types: Click2Sign, Draw2Sign, Type2Sign, RemoteSignature, BiometricSignature, LocalCertificateSignature, DisposableCertificate, OtpSignature (as of October 2019, eSAW 3.6).


    [[myAttachment:signer:attachment:label("some label"):size(width=10,height=10)]]

    label, size are optional.


    [[*myText:signer2:text(maxLength=100,password=1,multiline=true):default("default text"):font(name=Arial, color=#FF0000, size=12):alignment(left|right|center):size(width=10,height=10)]]

    maxLength, mask, default, font, alignment, size, multiline are optional.


    A required checked checkbox is for only one signer.


    checked, size is optional.


    All items of a group have to have the same name. Group of three RadioButtons for one recipient:

    [[testRbnGroup:signer:radio(Red):size(width=10,height=10):checked]] [[testRbnGroup:signer:radio(Green):size(width=10,height=10)]] [[testRbnGroup:signer:radio(Blue):size(width=10,height=10)]]

    checked, size is optional.


    [[myDrop:signer:dropdown(options="Red,Green,Blue",values="R,G,B",editable=1):default("R"):font(name=Arial, color=#FF0000, size=12):alignment(left|right|center):size(width=10,height=10)]]
    values, editable, default, size, font, alignment are optional.


    [[myList:signer:list(options="Red,Green,Blue",values="R,G,B",multiSelect=1):default("R"):font(name=Arial, color=#FF0000, size=12):alignment(left|right|center):size(width=10,height=10)]]

    values, multiSelect, default, size, font, alignment are optional.


    You can define a offset by using


    The offset starts at the lower left position, is using points as units and numbers (double) as input. A positive x value moves to right and a positive y value moves up.

    Note: this is support eSAW version 3.0+.


    Use to reuse some fragments and allow an easier placement of the text markup into floating text.


    [[#myFontSettings=:font(name=Arial, color=#FF0000, size=12):alignment(left|right|center)]]



    Input Validation

    Input Validation is available with version 3.1.

    • Date
    • Requires a date field for signer1
    • [[!someDate:signer1:date(format="dd. MMMM yyyy"):range(from="13. März 2018",to="18. December 2019")]]
    • range is optional and must match with defined format
    • Email
    • optional for email field
    • [[someMail:signer:email()]]
    • Number
    • [[someNumber:signer:number(decimalPlaces=2,decimalSeparator=comma,thousandsSeparator=point,symbol="€",symbolLocation=endWithBlank):range(from="-300,00 €",to="5.000,00 €")]]
    • range, decimalSeparator, thousandsSeparator, symbol, symbolLocation, are optional
    • decimalSeparator: comma, point, apostrophe, none
    • thousandsSeparator: comma, point, apostrophe, blank, none
    • symbolLocation: start, startWithBlank, end, endWithBlank
    • range must match with defined format
    • Phone
    • [[somePhone:signer:phone(type=international)]]
    • type: international, internationalLeadingZero, internationalLeadingPlus
    • Time
    • [[someTime:signer:time(format="HH:mm"):range(from="12:00",to="18:00")]]
    • range is optional
    • range must match the defined format

    REST example

    For detailed information of using api calls in REST please also see this tutorial: Postman tutorial.

    You can download the PDF for the following tutorial here.

    To test it yourself, use the following endpoint:

    1. Prepare a PDF document
    2. Upload the document (uploadtemporary)
    3. Prepare the envelope (prepare)
    4. Send the envelope
    5. Result

    Step 1: Prepare a PDF document

    You can either prepare a PDF document with field markups or use this sample document: sample.

    Step 2-4: Upload, prepare and send envelope

    For these steps you can download the JSON file with the configurations here.


    REST Example for Input Validation

    In the next collapse you can find a input validation example for REST. With this configuration only numbers from -300,00 to 5.000,00 are allowed in the Textfield.

    Note: If you delete this section:

    "Range": {
                    "From": "-300,00 €",
                    "To": "5.000,00 €"

    you can type in any numbers. If you define the same number for “FROM” and “TO” you can only type in the given number. For example if you define 400,00 for “FROM” and “TO” the recipient can only type in this number into the Text Field.

    Please find a complete configuration for the input validation in the link below:

    Input Validation Configuration

    SOAP Example

    For detailed information of using api calls with SOAP please also see this tutorial: Hello World Tutorial.

    You can download the PDF for the following tutorial here.

    To test it yourself, use the following endpoint:

    1. Prepare a PDF document
    2. Upload the document (UploadTemporarySspFile_v1)
    3. Prepare the envelope (PrepareSendEnvelopeSteps_v1)
    4. Send the envelope (SendEnvelope_v1)
    5. Result

    Step 1: Prepare a PDF document

    You can either prepare a PDF document with field markups or use this sample document: sample.

    Step 2: Upload the document

    Below you can find a configuration for uploading a document:

              &lt;data&gt;    ##BASE64##&lt;/data&gt;

    Step 3: Prepare the envelope

    The “PrepareSendEnvelopeSteps_v1” call parses the document. Therefore we get the exact positions of the field markups so that we can place them in the next step. Below you will find a sample for the adHoc workstep configuration which is needed for this call.

                <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
    	 &lt;WorkstepLabel /&gt;			                   &lt;SmallTextZoomFactorPercent&gt;100&lt;/SmallTextZoomFactorPercent&gt;			&lt;WorkstepTimeToLiveInMinutes&gt;10&lt;/WorkstepTimeToLiveInMinutes&gt;
    &lt;FinishAction /&gt;
    &lt;ParseFormFields mapRequiredFieldsToRequiredTask=&quot;1&quot; formsGrouping=&quot;PerPage&quot; returnSimplifiedConfig=&quot;0&quot; addKeepExistingValueFlag=&quot;0&quot;&gt;1&lt;/ParseFormFields&gt;
    &lt;AdhocPolicies&gt;				&lt;AllowModificationsAfterSignature&gt;1&lt;/AllowModificationsAfterSignature&gt;
    &lt;PdfAConformant&gt;0&lt;/PdfAConformant&gt;					&lt;PAdESPart4Compliant&gt;0&lt;/PAdESPart4Compliant&gt;					&lt;IncludeSigningCertificateChain&gt;0&lt;/IncludeSigningCertificateChain&gt;				&lt;SigningCertificateRevocationInformationIncludeMode&gt;DoNotInclude&lt;/SigningCertificateRevocationInformationIncludeMode&gt;
    &lt;PdfSignatureCryptographicData_V1&gt;					&lt;SignatureHashAlgorithm&gt;Sha1&lt;/SignatureHashAlgorithm&gt;
    &lt;SigningCertificateDescriptor&gt;						&lt;Identifier&gt;DDED02DC192573B722E8C027F0E47E63152EB822&lt;/Identifier&gt;
    &lt;ClearSigString&gt;1&lt;/ClearSigString&gt;					&lt;SearchEntireWordOnly&gt;1&lt;/SearchEntireWordOnly&gt;
    &lt;GeneralPolicies&gt;			&lt;AllowSaveDocument&gt;1&lt;/AllowSaveDocument&gt;			&lt;AllowSaveAuditTrail&gt;0&lt;/AllowSaveAuditTrail&gt;			&lt;AllowRotatingPages&gt;1&lt;/AllowRotatingPages&gt;				&lt;AllowAppendFileToWorkstep&gt;0&lt;/AllowAppendFileToWorkstep&gt;				&lt;AllowAppendTasksToWorkstep&gt;0&lt;/AllowAppendTasksToWorkstep&gt;			&lt;AllowEmailDocument&gt;0&lt;/AllowEmailDocument&gt;				&lt;AllowPrintDocument&gt;0&lt;/AllowPrintDocument&gt;				&lt;AllowFinishWorkstep&gt;1&lt;/AllowFinishWorkstep&gt;			&lt;AllowRejectWorkstep&gt;1&lt;/AllowRejectWorkstep&gt;				&lt;AllowRejectWorkstepDelegation&gt;0&lt;/AllowRejectWorkstepDelegation&gt;			&lt;AllowUndoLastAction&gt;1&lt;/AllowUndoLastAction&gt;				&lt;AllowColorizePdfForms&gt;0&lt;/AllowColorizePdfForms&gt;				&lt;AllowAdhocPdfAttachments&gt;1&lt;/AllowAdhocPdfAttachments&gt;				&lt;AllowAdhocSignatures&gt;1&lt;/AllowAdhocSignatures&gt;				&lt;AllowAdhocStampings&gt;1&lt;/AllowAdhocStampings&gt;				&lt;AllowAdhocFreeHandAnnotations&gt;1&lt;/AllowAdhocFreeHandAnnotations&gt;			&lt;AllowAdhocTypewriterAnnotations&gt;1&lt;/AllowAdhocTypewriterAnnotations&gt;		&lt;AllowAdhocPictureAnnotations&gt;0&lt;/AllowAdhocPictureAnnotations&gt;		&lt;AllowAdhocPdfPageAppending&gt;1&lt;/AllowAdhocPdfPageAppending&gt;
    Note: The following lines of code of the prepare_example are the configuration of the fieldmarkups. You can either decide to clear the field markup strings or not with the value (0,1). In this example we clear the strings because we have no use of them later.
    After a successful configuration you get a new workstep configuration including the form fields at the end. With the sample PDF the addFormFields section of the new workstep configuration should look like:
            <document docRef="1">
              <textBox name="myText1" readOnly="false" required="true" x="72" y="563.477001953125" width="200" height="65.149999999999991" page="1">
                <value>Place for signer1</value>
              <checkBox name="chk1" readOnly="false" required="true" x="72" y="439.802001953125" width="25" height="25" page="1">
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    The following lines of code of the prepare_example are the configuration of the fieldmarkups. You can either decide to clear the field markup strings or not with the value (0,1). In this example we clear the strings because we have no use of them later.

    After a successful configuration you get a new workstep configuration including the form fields at the end. With the sample PDF the addFormFields section of the new workstep configuration should look like:

            <document docRef="1">
              <textBox name="myText1" readOnly="false" required="true" x="72" y="563.477001953125" width="200" height="65.149999999999991" page="1">
                <value>Place for signer1</value>
              <checkBox name="chk1" readOnly="false" required="true" x="72" y="439.802001953125" width="25" height="25" page="1">

    Step 4: Send the envelope

    After you received the new workstep configuration you can now send it to recipients. If you want to use another workstep configuration but with the same form fields you can just add these form fields to the configuration. Below is a sample workstep configuration and the form fields for the sending api call.

    <soap:Header />
       &lt;name&gt;eSignAnyWhere Tutorial&lt;/name&gt;
       &lt;eMailSubject&gt;Document of eSignAnyWhere Tutorial&lt;/eMailSubject&gt;
       &lt;eMailBody&gt;Dear #RecipientFirstName#! Please sign this tutorial document.&lt;/eMailBody&gt;
       &lt;!-- callback to your backend system on a completed envelope 
       &lt;callbackUrl /&gt;
             &lt;emailBodyExtra /&gt;
       &lt;WorkstepLabel /&gt;
       &lt;FinishAction /&gt;
       &lt;Policy version=&quot;;&gt;
          &lt;WorkstepTasks SequenceMode=&quot;SequenceOnlyRequiredTasks&quot; originalSequenceMode=&quot;SequenceOnlyRequiredTasks&quot;&gt; 
          &lt;TransactionCodeConfiguration trConfId=&quot;&quot;&gt;
             &lt;Message&gt;Please sign the document with the transactionId {tId} with the code: {Token}&lt;/Message&gt;
          &lt;TransactionCodeConfiguration trConfId=&quot;Trans1&quot;&gt;
             &lt;Message&gt;Please accept the transactionId {tId} with the code: {Token}&lt;/Message&gt;
             &lt;emailBodyExtra /&gt;
            &lt;document docRef=&quot;1&quot;&gt;
              &lt;textBox name=&quot;myText1&quot; readOnly=&quot;false&quot; required=&quot;true&quot; x=&quot;72&quot; y=&quot;563.477001953125&quot; width=&quot;500&quot; height=&quot;65.149999999999991&quot; page=&quot;1&quot;&gt;
                &lt;value&gt;This is the textfield we added with addFormFields within the SendEnvelope call&lt;/value&gt;
              &lt;checkBox name=&quot;chk1&quot; readOnly=&quot;false&quot; required=&quot;true&quot; x=&quot;72&quot; y=&quot;439.802001953125&quot; width=&quot;25&quot; height=&quot;25&quot; page=&quot;1&quot;&gt;


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    If you are using the QES you have to identify the signer first. This can be done via several ways. Contact your seller for more details.

    QES with Disposable Certificate

    To use the disposable certificate you just click the settings for the recipient to edit her/his information for the certificate. You need the following information:

    • Country of residence
    • Mobile phone (required for sending the one-time-password via SMS)
    • Social security number
    • Document number
    • Document issued by
    • Document issued on
    • Document expiry date
    • Document type (e.g. Driving License or Passport)

    In the designer you have to select the signature field type as “Disposable Certificate”.

    The signer will receive its email as usual and when the signer wants to sign a disposable certificate signature field he will get a one-time-password via SMS. The counter on the disposable certificate starts by signing the first signature.

    If “Show disclaimer before certificate request” is enabled in Settings->Organization->Disposable Certificate the signer first receives the disclaimer before the SMS-OTP.

    Note: There can be links in the disclaimer which the signer can follow directly by clicking.

    When the document is finished you can validate, for example, the qualified electronic signature in Adobe Reader.

    You can also send a disposable signature via api. To do this, you first have to upload a document and then add the signature and the disposable certificate data. Note: You have to add the disposable certificate data in the section “recipient”.

    QES with Remote Certificate

    If the user has a long lived certificate you can use the Digital Remote Signature option. It is similar to the disposable certificate, but you must not provide so much information, as the user is already registered. It is not required to define the User Id or Device Id, then the signer must enter the data himself.

    In the designer you must select the Digital Remote Signature for the signature type.

    P7M Signers

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    It is possible to define P7M signers in eSignAnyWhere (version 3.1+). This allows you to define at the end of a signing workflow to define signers with P7M. Due technical reasons it is not possible to add non-P7M signers after the first P7M signer. P7M is an advanced feature and must be enabled for you, so please contact your Namirial Sales.

    The P7M signer can be defined in the recipient list (P7M Signer Type). The P7M signer has no assigned signature fields in the document, so you will not be able to assign signature fields, form fields or predefined fields for him or her.

    When a workflow with a P7M signer is finished you will not receive a PDF document, but a signed P7M container with the PDF. Please see the next figure:

    The workstepconfig must be extended with a invisibleSignature, Task and a document information:



    <WorkstepTasks SequenceMode="SequenceOnlyRequiredTasks">
    	<Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="0" id="pkcs1" displayName="" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignPkcs7" finishPercentage="0" />


            <EnvelopeDocumentInformation numberOfPages="1" DocRefNumber="1" name="" isOptionalDocument="0" isPkcs7="0" enabled="1" />
            <EnvelopeDocumentInformation numberOfPages="1" DocRefNumber="2" name="" isOptionalDocument="0" isPkcs7="0" enabled="1" />
            <EnvelopeDocumentInformation numberOfPages="1" DocRefNumber="3" name="" isOptionalDocument="0" isPkcs7="0" enabled="1" />

    Automatic Remote Signatures

    Info Icon.svg
    With eSignAnyWhere version 3.2 the automatic remote signatures (automatic remote eSeal) are integrated. So you can setup, as user manager, automatic remote signature profiles for automatic signature.

    If you create a workflow, a new type “Add Automatic” recipient is available. The automatic remote signature / eSealing is applied automatically to the document, if it is the automatic recipient turn. The workflow continues automatically with the next recipient after the automatic recipient.

    • Automatic Remote Signatures / eSealing are an optional eSignAnyWhere feature
    • User Managers can configure the automatic remote signature / eSealing profiles in the Organization settings page, when they have enabled the user option “Allow * * * Automatic eSealing”
    • Power use can use the automatic remote signature / eSealing profiles, if they have the user option “Allow Automatic eSealing” enabled

    1) Automatic Remote Signature Profiles

    The profiles for automatic remote signatures are managed via the organization’s settings page (so only by user managers). For creating an automatic remote signature profile you need a description (e.g. name), the username and the password.

    Attention: if a power user wants to use the automatic remote signatures, the user must have enabled the user right “Allow automatic eSealing” (see “Settings” > “Users”).

    2) User Settings

    User must have enabled the option “Allow automatic eSealing” to use the automatic remote signatures / eSealing within a workflow.

    3) Creating a workflow with automatic remote signatures

    In the eSAW UI you can add an automatic signer / eSealing via button in the recipient list “Add Automatic”. Then the profile must be selected for the automatic signature / eSealing.

    Attention: the power user must have the right “Allow automatic eSealing” enabled (see “Settings” > “Users”).

    Creating the Automatic Remote Signature via API

    Via API you have to use a new recipient type (“Automatic”). Moreover the workstepConfiguration must contain information about the automatic remote signature. As additional option, you can use more than one profile for the workstep configuration at once via API. Note: this leads to a missing information in eSAW UI!

    1) Envelope XML with new recipient type “Automatic”

          <workstepConfiguration skipThirdPartyChecks="0">

    2) Workstep Configuration

    2.1) Define Signature Field in WorkstepConfiguration
      <param name="enabled">1</param>
        <sigType id="automatic" type="AutomaticSignature" preferred="0">
    The sealing profile identifier can be found in the organization settings page at the automatic remote signature settings (Identifier).
    2.3) Finalize Action in WorkstepConfiguration Policy
    <Policy version="">
    	<AutomaticSignature sigId="GENERIC_SIG_IDENTIFIER" />


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    For the A-Trust signature configuration you need an A-Trust Signaturbox first. For more information please contact us.

    In this section you can find the configuration for the A-Trust signature. First we have to upload a PDF with the API call UploadTemporarySspFile_v1. After uploading the document we can now send the document with the following workstep configuration to define the A-Trust signature:

       <name>eSignAnyWhere Tutorial</name>
       <eMailSubject>Document of eSignAnyWhere Tutorial</eMailSubject>
       <eMailBody>Dear #RecipientFirstName#! Please sign this tutorial document.</eMailBody>
       <!-- callback to your backend system on a completed envelope 
       <callbackUrl />
             <emailBodyExtra />
       <WorkstepLabel />
       <FinishAction />
            <sig id="1">
                <param name="enabled">1</param>          
                <param name="completed">0</param>           
                <param name="sigType">ExternalSigningProcess</param>            
                <param name="positioning">onPage</param>            
                <param name="trModType">ATrustHandySignatur</param>       
                <param name="aTrustTemplateId">4246</param>
                <eMail />
                <!--Used to prefill the phone number for A-Trust Handysignatur-->
                <phonenumber>##phone number##</phonenumber>
            <!--Defines, if the disclaimer for Namirial disposable certificates should be shown.-->
       <Policy version="">
    	<TypewriterAnnotationTaskInfo />
          <WorkstepTasks SequenceMode="SequenceOnlyRequiredTasks" originalSequenceMode="SequenceOnlyRequiredTasks">      
     <Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="1" id="1" displayName="SignField 1" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignField" internalAllConcernedDocRefNumbersList="1" allRequiredFieldsFilledOnWorkstepCreation="0" />
          <TransactionCodeConfiguration trConfId="">
             <Message>Please sign the document with the transactionId {tId} with the code: {Token}</Message>
          <TransactionCodeConfiguration trConfId="Trans1">
             <Message>Please accept the transactionId {tId} with the code: {Token}</Message>
             <emailBodyExtra />

    The code below shows where you can find the configuration of the signature:

           <sig id="1">
               <param name="enabled">1</param>          
               <param name="completed">0</param>           
               <param name="sigType">ExternalSigningProcess</param>            
               <param name="positioning">onPage</param>            
               <param name="trModType">ATrustHandySignatur</param>       
               <param name="aTrustTemplateId">4246</param>

    The second code below shows the configuration of the phone number for the recipient:

               <phonenumber>##phone number##</phonenumber>

    If you enter the phone number then the recipient can not enter another number. However, if you do not define a phone number then the recipient is free to choose a phone number of their choice.


    In this section you can find the configuration for the bankID signature.


    eSaw allows hyperlinks on documents. These links can be configured in the workstep configuration.